ASHA–PAHO Collaboration Publications and Presentations


The ASHA Leader Articles


  • Pittman, R. and Waterston, L. (2023, August). Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals Through Association Initiatives. Presented at the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Annual Meeting, Atlanta.
  • Martinez, S., Rosa-Lugo, L., Waterston, L. and Weddington, G. (2023, August). Enhancing International Engagement – A Ten-Year Initiative. Presented at the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP) Congress, New Zealand.
  • Waterston, L. (2023, June). The ASHA-PAHO Collaboration. Presented at the Dialogue on Diversity Conference, Washington, DC.
  • Rosa-Lugo, L. & Waterston, L. ASHA-PAHO Collaboration presentation in the Ibero-American Congress of Speech-Language Pathology, organized by the University of Santa Paula, Costa Rica (virtual), 2022. 
  • Presentation of 1 session and 1 poster on the ASHA-PAHO collaboration at the ASHA Convention in New Orleans, 2022.
    • Nurse, K., Sivasankar, P., Epstein, L. and Waterston, L. Session: “The International Activities of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association” 
  • Two ASHA-PAHO sessions at the ASHA Convention, 2021:
    • Weddington, G. “ASHA-PAHO Collaboration: Guyana - Volunteer Instructors Share Their Experiences”
    • “Advocacy & Capacity Building for Global Equity: The ASHA-PAHO Collaboration in Ecuador”
  • Rosa-Lugo, L., Weddington, G., and Waterston, L. ASHA-PAHO collaboration session at SASLHA-ASHA Virtual Conference, November 2020.
  • Roman, R. & Caesar, L. (2019, November). The ASHAPAHO Collaboration: Building Capacity & Sustainability in Communication Disorders in Paraguay and Belize. Presented at the ASHA Convention, Orlando.
  • Weddington, G. (2019, November). The ASHAPAHO Guyana Evidence of Success: First Graduates Speak Out. Presented at the ASHA Convention, Orlando.
  • Flynn, T., Flynn, P., McNeilly, L., & Waterston, L. (2019. November). Imagine More Global Engagement through ASHA’s International Issues Board. Presented at the ASHA Convention, Orlando.
  • Duttine, A. (2019, November). WHO Rehabilitation 2030: A Call for Action. Presented at the ASHA Convention, Orlando.
  • Waterston, L. (2019, October). The ASHAPAHO Collaboration. Video presentation at the XXVII Brazilian Congress of Speech-Language Pathology, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
  • Martinez, S., Rosa-Lugo, L., & Roman, R. (2019, October). Online chat "The ASHA-PAHO Initiative." Sponsored by the Special Interest Group 17, Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders.
  • Martinez, S., Rosa-Lugo, L., Weddington, G., Roman, R., Vasquez, A., & Waterston, L. (2018, November). The ASHA–PAHO collaboration: ASHA members building capacity and sustainability in communication disorders across four countries. Presented at the ASHA Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Martinez, S., Rosa-Lugo, L., Weddington, G., Roman, R., Vasquez, A., & Waterston, L. (July 2017). Un Modelo de Cooperación Internacional: La Colaboración ASHA-OPS en Centro y Sud América [PDF]. Presented at the III Congreso Internacional de Terapia dle Lenguaje, San José, Costa Rica.
  • Weddington, G., Kleindienst, S., Wiley, P., Lindsay, K., Colin, L., Mercer, E., Comer, K., & Telford, S. ASHA–PAHO Collaboration: Road Toward Sustainability. 2016 ASHA Convention (November 2016). Presentation at the Annual ASHA Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Martinez, S., Rosa-Lugo, L., Weddington, G., Vazquez, A., & Waterston, L. (August 2016). A Model of International Cooperation: The ASHA–PAHO Partnership in Central and South America. Presented at the IALP Congress in Dublin, Ireland.
  • Martinez, S., Rosa-Lugo, L., Weddington, G., & Waterston, L. (April 2016). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association ASHA/PAHO Collaboration: Building Capacity in Three Countries [PDF]. Presented at the NBASLH in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
  • Schuermann L., Weddington, G., Wickham, C., Martinez, S., Enriquez, R., & Rosa-Lugo, L. (November 2014). An International Perspective on the Care & Treatment of People with Disabilities: ASHA–PAHO Collaboration. Presented at the Annual ASHA Convention in Orlando, Florida. 

Poster Presentations

Two ASHA-PAHO collaboration sessions at the ASHA Convention in Boston, 2023:

    • Epstein, L., Sivasankar, P. and Waterston, L. Did you know that ASHA has an International Presence?
    • Brown, K., Bruno, E., Gorman, B., Green, K, Waterston, L. and Weddington, G. Celebrating 10 years of ASHA-PAHO Capacity Building Collaboration in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Martinez, S., Roman, R., Rosa-Lugo,L., Waterston, L., & Weddington, G. (November 2016). Collaboration Between ASHA & PAHO/WHO. Poster showcased at the ASHA Convention International Lounge, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Martinez, S. & Waterston, L. (May 2015). Education Development in Latin America through ASHA–PAHO Collaboration. Poster presented at the 9th European CPLOL Congress, Florence, Italy.
  • Marinez, S., Rosa-Lugo, L., Waterston, L., & Weddington,G. (October 2015). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)/Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Collaboration: Addressing Country Priorities in Capacity Building in Central and South America. Poster presented at the Coalition for Global Hearing Health Conference, Washington, DC.

Resources in Spanish

The ad hoc committee on El Salvador compiled a comprehensive educational resource package in Spanish [PDF] as a sustainable tool for training personnel in rehabilitation.

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