Archived COVID-19 Messages From ASHA Leadership and Staff

Older messages and videos may contain information that has been superseded by newer communications.


September 28, 2020: Jeff Regan

Jeff Regan, ASHA’s director of government affairs and public policy, shares a new message about ongoing advocacy efforts during COVID. (Time: 4:06)

May 11, 2020: Jeff Regan

Jeff Regan, ASHA’s director of government affairs and public policy, shares recent advocacy achievements and ongoing efforts. (Time: 3:47) 

April 30, 2020: Joseph Cerquone

Joseph Cerquone, ASHA’s director of public relations, talks about celebrating Better Hearing & Speech Month in the midst of COVID-19. (Time: 2:45)

April 28, 2020: Theresa Rodgers

Theresa Rodgers, ASHA's 2020 President, with a message of appreciation for members. (Time: 3:43)

April 24, 2020: Tricia Ashby-Scabis

Tricia Ashby-Scabis, ASHA’s Director of Audiology Practices, shares an update for audiologists. (Time: 3:44)

April 20, 2020: Lemmietta McNeilly

ASHA’s chief staff officer for speech-language pathology shares a COVID-19 update about recorded and upcoming town halls, free continuing education, telepractice, and more. (Time: 3:56)

March 20, 2020: Arlene Pietranton

ASHA's former CEO Arlene Pietranton shares a message with ASHA members helping them find the information the need—and how to contact ASHA through the Action Center—and outlines upcoming resources. (Time: 4:52)

COVID-19 Online Events

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Teleaudiology in the Pediatric Setting During COVID-19 with SIG 9 (August 17, 2020)
Focusing on one hospital's pilot study in teleaudiology and then adaption during COVID, as well as reimbursement considerations. Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Dysphagia Management During COVID-19: Where Are We Today? with SIG 13 (August 5, 2020) Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: SLP Group Treatment via Telepractice—Discussion on Pediatric Services (July 23, 2020)
Focusing on group treatment of pediatric patients using telepractice. Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Returning to In-Person Care During COVID-19 with SIG 3 and SIG 5 (July 22, 2020)
Focusing on voice, upper airway, and resonance disorders service delivery during the pandemic. Recording available

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Family-Centered Speech-Language Services via Telepractice for Individuals With Craniofacial Anomalies with SIG 5 (July 8, 2020)
Focusing on telepractice assessment and treatment for speech, language, and resonance associated with craniofacial anomalies in toddlers and school-age children. Recording available.  

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Self-Help/Support Groups for Children and Adults who Stutter: Resources for Use During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond with SIG 4 (June 15, 2020)
Focusing on three support groups with self-help resources for people who stutter. Recording available.  

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Group Speech-Language Pathology Treatment Via Telepractice—Discussion on Adult Services (June 5, 2020)
Focusing on the differences between in-person groups and those done through telepractice and lessons learned through experience. Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Telepractice Considerations for Individuals with Neurogenic Communication Disorders with SIG 2 (May 7, 2020)
Focusing on remote service delivery considerations for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) who work with this clinical population. Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Overcoming Challenges in Teaching Speech Science Online with SIG 19 (May 6, 2020)
Focusing on the shift to teaching speech science online with suggested apps and resources.  Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Dysphagia and Telepractice During COVID-19 and Beyond (May 4, 2020)
Focusing on clinical considerations for implementation of telepractice with individuals with dysphagia across practice settings. Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Service Delivery Considerations in Post-Acute Care Settings with SIG 15 (April 29, 2020)
Focusing on service delivery considerations for SLPs in post-acute care settings. Recording available.

COVID-19: ASHA Three-Part Web Event Series on Service Delivery Considerations in Early Intervention (April 2020)

ASHA Virtual Presentation Series on Service Delivery Considerations for Private Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
Addressing the specific needs of those who operate or work in a private practice. Recordings available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation Series on Service Delivery Considerations in Early Intervention
Addressing the specific needs of those who work in early intervention. Recordings available.

ASHA Audiology Virtual Town Hall (April 14, 2020) 
Focusing on considerations for service delivery by clinical audiologists. Recording available.

ASHA Schools Virtual Town Hall (April 13, 2020) 
Focusing on service delivery considerations for educational audiologists and school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs). Recording available. 

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Dysphagia Service Delivery Considerations in Health Care Settings with SIG 13 (April 8, 2020)
Addressing member questions about dysphagia services during the pandemic. Recording available.   

ASHA SLP Health Care Virtual Town Hall (April 1, 2020)
Focusing on considerations for in-person service delivery by SLPs in health care settings. Recording available.

ASHA Virtual Presentation: Tele-AAC with SIG 12 (March 24, 2020)
Covering two experts’ experience with telehealth and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Recording available.

ASHA Corporate Partners