ASHA Public Service Award

The ASHA Public Service Award is designed to recognize a public official (e.g., elected lawmaker, politically appointed policymaker) who has made a significant contribution to the professions of audiology and/or speech-language pathology. The award publicly showcases the work of honorees on behalf of the professions as well as the clients, patients, and students we serve. It is the highest award that ASHA exclusively confers on a public official.

ASHA members are asked to nominate a public official whose actions have made a critical difference in the professions of audiology, speech-language pathology, and/or the patients, clients, and students we serve.

ASHA will give the Public Service Award to one individual each year.

Our success in advocacy relies heavily on those who recognize and champion the public policy issues that advance the professions. Nominees should have made a significant contribution to the professions, with this contribution having supported ASHA’s efforts related to the annual Public Policy Agenda—efforts that further the advancement of the professions and those we serve.

Required Components

ASHA members play a critical role in identifying and nominating candidates for the Public Service Award. ASHA’s Government Affairs and Public Policy Board (GAPPB) will review nominations before making a recommendation to the Board of Directors (BOD), whose members will then vote to approve a candidate of choice.

Candidate Requirements

  • Candidate is a public official (e.g., elected lawmaker, politically appointed policymaker) who has made a significant contribution to the professions of audiology and/or speech-language pathology.
  • Candidate is living at the time the award decision is approved by the BOD.

Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominator is an ASHA member in good standing.
  • Nominator may submit a maximum of two (2) nominations per year. Each nomination must be submitted separately.
  • Nominator submits a candidate for consideration by completing the Public Service Award nomination form, which includes a statement describing the candidate’s significant contribution to the professions of audiology and/or speech-language pathology.
  • The nomination form must be submitted by Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 11:59 p.m., Eastern time.


  • May 31, 2023: Submission deadline for nomination statements.
  • June 30, 2023: GAPPB makes recommendation to the BOD.
  • July 31, 2023: BOD votes to approve the candidates of choice.
  • August 31, 2023: ASHA notifies the award recipient.
  • November 2023: ASHA presents Public Service Award to honoree during ASHA Convention.


Contact Jerry White, ASHA's director of federal and political affairs. at

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