ASHA Practice Policy

ASHA's Practice Policy Documents, along with other cardinal documents of the Association, are written for and by ASHA members and approved by our governance to promulgate best practices and standards in the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology. The document types include

  • Bylaws: the bylaws of ASHA, the ASHFoundation, and the ASHA-PAC
  • Ethics: includes the Code of Ethics (by which all members and certificate holders are bound) and supporting documents
  • Guidelines: current best practice procedures based on available evidence
  • Knowledge and Skills: the knowledge and set of skills required for a particular area of practice
  • Position Statement: public statements of ASHA's official stand on various issues
  • Preferred Practice Patterns: the informational base for providing quality patient/client care and a focus for professional preparation, continuing education, and research
  • Professional Issues Statement: a companion document to an ASHA Position Statement 
  • Relevant Paper: supporting and related professional documents
  • Scope of Practice: an outline of the parameters of each of the professions
  • Standards/Quality Indicators: documents related to certification, accreditation, and professional standards
  • Technical Report: supporting documentation and research for an ASHA Position Statement


Technical Reports

Position Statements

ASHA Corporate Partners